Pick Out Best Electric Kettle In India For You In 5 Easy Steps.

In the later part of the 19th century, Electric kettles were introduced as an alternative to stovetop kettles. Since then there are many improvements and new designs developed keeping in mind the ease of usage and aesthetics. Consequently, the market is flooded with numerous options. Here is the guide that will help you to choose the best electric kettle in India that suits your requirement. We have carefully and minutely tested and reviewed the options for you. We have also picked the best electric kettles with temperature control in US/ Canada region.

Sometime all you need is good cup of tea made in the best electric kettle.
Pic courtesy: Anthony from Unsplash

Through our experience and market knowledge of electric kettles, we have chosen carefully out of hundreds of kettles so that you pick the ones that will make a great addition to your kitchen and moreover the models that you should avoid buying. We have listed below 54 models of the Best Electric kettle in India.

Know About The Best Electric Kettle In India

  1. Picking the right kettle of your choice.
  2. Security features to look for in electric kettles.
  3. Description of factors affecting the best buys in electric kettle.

How to take help of this guide to reach the kettle of your choice in steps.

The guide describes in length various factors that people prefer to come to a conclusion about purchasing the kettle of their choice. However, in case you do not have time to whittle down the options for yourself, we have rounded up some of the top-scoring Best Buys to help you find a magnificent kettle of your preference in a hurry. Here are the steps you need to follow or watch the video down below.

  1. Under the next sub- heading “Buyers Guide For The Best Electric Kettle In India” go to first factor that is capacity.
  2. Start clicking the choices that are offered to you in each category and you will reach the kettle of your choice.
  3. Any time you want to restart algorithm altogether click on the home button and re-start.
  4. In case, if you feel, that you clicked a wrong choice in last option, click on the ” take me to last option again” button to take you to earlier options you clicked.
  5. In case you want to read in detail about the factors, you should scroll down and get the knowledge of same.

Buyers Guide For The Best Electric Kettle In India

The guide differentiates the kettles based on the factors that consumers look out for while making a purchase within 5 steps only. These, in order of preference, are Capacity, Material Design, Warranty and Brand.

Just keep on clicking the factors of your choice to reach the best electric kettle available in the Indian market that suits your requirements.

Factor 1: Capacity

Capacity is the foremost factor to look at while buying the best Electric Kettle in India. This is significant since it decides the number of cups required for preparing the tea or coffee in a single go. It depends on the nature of usage or strength of family members being served

Capacity of Best Electric Kettle in India

In India, the capacity is measured in liters (or milliliters- ml). If we analyze the data of the market there is a high demand of 1.2 to 1.5 liters of the best electric kettle in India. This is because of the fact that the average size of Indian families is 4 to 6 people. Also, the tea is served mostly in glass or mugs (300ml) in place of the cup ( 237 ml). Most common and the best electric kettles in India are available in the following capacities.

Click one of the below capacity choices that suits your requirement

  1. Ranges from 500 to 750ml: Electric kettle that lies under this category are basically known as travel kettles. Since these are small, can be packed easily in travel bags and can be used on the go even in the train coaches having 220v power supply so are ideal for traveling. It can serve 2 people. Check out for two small cups or travel casing that are offered along with the product. These kettles are available usually in Black or Black-Silver color combinations except silicone ones that are avialble in multi color. Further, all these kettles are available in 1000 or 1100 watts except silicone ones that are available in 650 watts.
  2. 1 liter: These kettles serve 3-4 people. These are quite popular among hostel residents besides can be used in Hotel rooms or for Nuclear families. Majority of 1 liter kettles are available in 1100 to 1350 watts. Kettles that have wattage less than this range would take unusual more time to boil the water and those above this would require a 15 amps power point since more current will pass through to assist fast boiling.
  3. Range from 1.2 to 1.5 liters: These kettles serve 4-6 people. Ideal for residential purpose. You have lot more options in this category. Majority of kettles available in this category lies in the wattage consumption of 1350 to 1800 watts.
  4. Range from 1.7 to 2 liters: These kettles serve 7-10 people. Ideal for small offices or joint families. You still have many options in this category. Manufacturers have experimented in this category with shapes and design of the kettles . Kettles in this category have wattage range of 1500 to 2200 watts

Factor 2: Composition of container in best electric kettle in India

The material of the container is the next major factor to choose the best electric kettle in India. As per our experience in the field of after-sales, it is advisable to use an electric kettle made from either stainless steel or glass. In plastic electric kettles after some use, you will feel some bad odor coming from it in beverages. Though manufacturers claim plastic to be BPA-free, I am personally not comfortable with these.

Beware! sometimes manufacturers claim plastic kettles to be with steel inside but if you closely watch only the concealed element assembly is metallic, the rest container is plastic. Though there are kettles that have a decorative plastic outer and inner steel container. You really need to check this out before purchasing.

Material used in Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres) (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Stainless Steel: The majority of travel kettles are made of stainless steel.
  2. Plastic: These are very few. Obvious reason is customer transition to metallic
  3. Silicon: These are the new entrants in the market. These kettles are so designed that they can be folded and carried easily as shown in picture below. These are latest invention and there is less expierence of people on them. These kettles have mid mouth and does not come with any warranty
Foldable silicon electric kettles

Material used in 1 liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Stainless Steel (SS): The majority best electric kettle in India of 1 liter are made of stainless steel. Almost all of these kettles come in color combination of Black and Silver .Prestige has given a different color combination of Black- Golden.
  2. Plastic: The options in plastic Kettles are less than thier metallic counterpart. Obvious reason is customer transition to metallic Kettles. Most of these kettles comes in White with combination of multicolors like Blue, Green, Grey or Black.

Material used in Kettles ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 liter capacity (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Stainless Steel (SS): The majority of kettles between 1.2 to 1.5 liter are made of stainless steel. Almost all these SS kettles come in color combination of Black and Silver. Prestige had introduced the model in Red- Silver combination that did quite well
  2. Plastic: If you analyse the market, due to consumer shift from plastic to metallic or glass kettles, the manufacturers have ceased promoting these kettles. A live example is Havells. Thier plastic kettles that were once best selling models are discontinued and they are selling it as refurbished product with just 6 months warranty. I can just pick only one kettle for you in this category.
  3. Glass: There are not too many options of glass kettles in this capacity range. This is beacuse of economy of scale in manufacturing. Mostly glass kettles comes in ranges above 1.5 liter capacity.
  4. Ceramic: These kettles are thing of art. They have beautiful foral designs in green or blue . These kettles look better during your small gathering.These kettles are bit heavier than its other counterpart . These are DOME- SHAPED kettles.

Material used in Kettles ranging from 1.7 to 2 liters capacity (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Stainless Steel (SS): The majority of kettles between 1.7 to 2 liters are made of stainless steel. Contrary to categories in Stainless Steel material, kettles in this category are less of Black and Silver color combination. Inalsa introduced two kettles in this category- one diamond shaped black kettle while other dome bell type in Rose Gold color.
  2. Plastic: If you analyse the market, due to consumer shift from plastic to metallic or glass kettles, the manufacturers have ceased promoting these kettles. These kettles are available in white background in combination with other colors.
  3. Glass: Consumers are shifting thier base from plastic kettles to other material. Consequently, glass kettles have found thier more buyers in this capacity. People buy these kettles since Glass kettles not only serve its primary purpose but also is a thing of modern art. The best electric kettle in India made of glass comes with glowing LED that makes it a decorative appliance in living room. The only cons that people do not buy is being a glass there is always a fear of breakage and needs to be handled carefully.

Factor 3: Design and Ease of Cleaning in best electric kettle in India

This is the important factor as far as choosing the Best Electric Kettle in India is concerned. In case you are using hard water in the Electric Kettle, the scaling happens at the base of the container that needs to be cleaned thoroughly. The design of the kettle decodes the ease of cleaning. The Kettles with wider mouths are relatively easier to clean than others since your hand can be inserted completely to accomplish the cleaning. However less wide-mouthed kettles are more efficient due to their aerodynamic design

Kettle design of SS travel Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Wide- Mouthed: Most SS travel kettles are wide mouthed since the efficency does not differs much due to low volume and are easier to clean while on go.
  2. Mid wide Mouth: These are very few but. The mouths are niether too narrow nor wide.

Kettle design of Plastic travel Kettles (Click the only choice available)

Wide Mouthed: The best Plastic travel kettles come only in a wide-mouthed design. Since, as earlier mentioned, plastic kettles are not preferred by masses, so you will find a lesser choice.

Design of SS 1 Liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Wide- Mouthed: Most SS 1 Liter kettles are wide mouthed since the efficency does not differs much due to low capacity and are easier to clean .
  2. Mid wide Mouth: There are not much options in this category. There is just 1 kettle that I can propose you in this category and that is developed by Amazon. Amazon is giving a warranty of 1 year on this kettle. Just to inform that this has 15 amp power plug due to high wattage of Kettle
  3. Narrow Mouth: There are not much options in this category since it is metallic and difficult to clean due to narrow mouth. There is just 1 kettle that I can propose you in this category and that is developed by Black & Decker with a warranty of 2 years on it.

Design of Plastic 1 Liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Wide- Mouthed: Plastic 1 Liter kettles having wide mouth are few due to looks and conduction of heat as compared to metallic counterpart. However, they are easier to clean from inside.
  2. Mid Wide Mouth: There are relatively more options in this category. The mouth is neither too wide nor too narrow. Relatively easier to clean and more thermal efficient in plastic range.
  3. Narrow Mouth: There are not many options in this category due to the shift of customer base to Mid Wide or wide Kettles.

Design of SS Kettles in range of 1.2 to 1.5 Liter (Sorry, you do not have choices here)

SS Kettles in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 Liters are only Narrowed Mouth kettles due to their thermal efficiency factor.

Design of Glass Kettles in range of 1.2 to 1.5 Liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Mid Wide Mouth: I have picked one best electric kettle in glass for you that has a mid-wide mouth in this category. These are relatively easier to clean and more thermal efficient in plastic range. These kettles come with 1 year warranty
  2. Narrow Mouth: I have picked one best electric kettle in glass for you that has a narrow mouth in this category. These kettles come with 1 year warranty

Design of Ceramic Kettles in range of 1.2 to 1.5 Liter (Sorry, you do not have choices here)

Ceramic Kettles in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 Liters are only Narrowed Mouth kettles due to their thermal efficiency and traditional design factor.

Design of SS Kettle in range of 1.7 to 2 Liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Wide- Mouthed: Kettles having wide mouth in this category are less in number but all these are beautifully designed.
  2. Mid Wide Mouth: There are relatively more options in this category. The mouth is neither too wide nor too narrow. These are relatively easier to clean and more thermal efficient . The kettles in this category usually comes in Black/ Silver color combination.
  3. Narrow Mouth: There are many options in this category both branded and non- branded. The steel kettles with narrow mouth are more thermal efficent than those with wide mouth. Since high volume of boiled water it is also safe to use while pouring if mouth is narrow, since there are zero chances of spill out.

Design of Plastic Kettle in range of 1.7 to 2 Liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Wide- Mouthed: I can choose only one best kettle in this category for you. This is in White-Red combination. It carries the warranty of 2 years which is good point.
  2. Mid Wide Mouth: In this option too there is just one kettle that I can suggest. This has White- Blue color combination and comes with the warranty of 2 years.

Design of Glass Kettle in range of 1.7 to 2 Liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. Mid Wide Mouthed: There are ample options in this category. but I have picked three best for you. Mid Wide Glass kettles are easier to clean so consumer prefer this design .
  2. Narrow Mouth: Not much in demand since difficult to clean effieciently from inside. Still I have picked one kettle in this category for you. This comes with the warranty of 1 year

Factor 4: Warranty provided by the sellers of best electric kettle in India

Electric kettles are very reliable if used in a proper manner. Also, Manufacturers of the best electric kettles are using the best of the components in them. For example, STRIX Thermostat electric kettle controls are considered the world’s best components. However, you may not judge the same by looking at the exterior of the kettle. Also, it is an electric device and may fail so the more the warranty better is for consumers.

Warranties available for Wide- Mouthed SS Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres) (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Mid- Wide Mouthed SS Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres) (click the only choice)

You will only find 2 years comprehensive warranty in this category of the kettle.

Warranties available for Wide- Mouthed Plastic Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres) (Click on the only choice in this category)

You will only find 2 years comprehensive warranty in this category of the kettle.

Warranties available for Wide- Mouthed SS 1 Liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Wide- Mouthed Plastic 1 Liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Mid-Wide Mouth Plastic 1 Liter Kettles (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Narrow Mouth Plastic 1 Liter Kettles (Sorry, you do not have any other choice in this category except 1 year. Click on it to proceed)

1 Year: A comprehensive 1-year warranty is provided on the complete product in plastic kettles with Narrow mouth in 1 Liter, This is also a factor for consumer shift from this category

Warranties available for Narrow Mouth SS Kettles in range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Narrow Mouth Ceramic Kettles in range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Wide Mouth SS Kettles in range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Mid Wide Mouth SS Kettles in range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Narrow Mouth SS Kettles in range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Warranties available for Mid-Wide Mouth Glass Kettles in range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters (Click on the most appropriate choice for you)

  1. 2 Years: A comprehensive 2 years warranty is provided on the complete product.
  2. 1 Year: A comprehensive 1 year warranty is provided on the complete product.

Factor 5: Brands considered to sell the best Electric Kettles in India

There is huge competition in the electric kettle market in India. As per the overview and forecast trend highlights by Statista.com, revenue in the Electric Kettles segment amounts to US$189.3m in 2021. The market is expected to grow annually by 3.76% (CAGR 2021-2026). In the Electric Kettles segment, volume is expected to amount to 10.53 million pieces by 2026. The Electric Kettles segment is expected to show a volume growth of 1.1% in 2022.

Consequently, looking at the demand for electric kettles in India many unorganized players and brands have emerged. With no service support or proper customer care, these unorganized players are just dumping counterfeit products into the market ecosystem. So, we have taken this into account while choosing the best electric kettle in India for you so that you do not get dummy products.

Every product/ brand is evaluated against the Appliances Love Net Value (ALNV) score. Hence, only those products that qualify the score are included below, so that you get the best value for money product.

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranties on Wide- Mouthed SS Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres)

(Click on the most appropriate choice for you)


Inalsa Best Electric Kettle in India in category of travel kettle in stainless steel with two years warranty  and 2 travel cups
1000 watts/ ALNV Score: 71

Russell Hobbs

Russell Hobbs travel electric kettle in SS and 2 travel cups.
1000 watts / ALNV score: 64


Bajaj Electric Travel Kettle in SS
1100 watts / ALNV score: 64

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 years warranty on Wide- Mouthed SS Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres)

(Click on the most appropriate choice for you)



Gionee Electric Travel Kettle in SS
1100 watts / ALNV score : 54

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Mid- Mouthed SS Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres)


Eveready best electric kettle in India in SS container with warranty of 2 years
1000 watts / ALNV score 62

Murphy Richards

Morphy Richards electric travel kettle
1000 watts / ALNV score: 53

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Wide- Mouthed Plastic Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres)


Havells, best electric kettle in India in travel range and plastic material.
1000 watts / ALNV score: 68

Electric Kettle Brands available for 0 years warranty on Wide- Mouthed Silicone Travel Kettles (i.e ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 litres)


Topredo foldable electric kettle
600 watts / ALNV score: 27

Kotak Sales

Kotak sales collapsible electric kettle with no warranty
600 watts / ALNV score : 19

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranties on Wide- Mouthed SS 1-liter Kettles


Inalsa best electric kettle in 1 litre made of SS container with 2 years warranty
1350 watts / ALNV score: 61

Morphy Richards

Morphy Richards electric kettle in SS and 1 liters.
1100 watts / ALNV score: 53

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Wide- Mouthed SS 1-liter Kettles


Prestige electric kettle with unique golden color in 1 litre and SS material.
1350 watts / ALNV score: 48


Cello electric Kettle in 1 litre and SS
1200 watts/ ALNV score: 65


Eveready, Electric Kettle in 1 litre and SS body
1000 watts / ALNV score: 47

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Mid-Wide Mouthed SS 1-liter Kettles

Amazon Basics

Amazon Basics electric kettle by Amazon in 1 litre and 2200 watts.
2200 watts / ALNV score: 745

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Narrow Mouthed SS 1-liter Kettle

Black & Decker

Black & Decker electric kettle with narrow mouth and 2 years on warranty
1200 watts / ALNV score: 47

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Wide Mouthed Plastic 1-liter Kettle


Bajaj electric kettle in 1 liter and plastic material
1200 watts / ALNV score: 47

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Wide Mouthed Plastic 1-liter Kettle


Prestige electric kettle in plastic with 1 year warranty.
900 watts / ALNV score: 40

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Mid Wide Mouth Plastic 1-liter Kettle


Bajaj electric kettle in plastic with 2 years warranty in 1 liter
1100 watts/ ALNV score: 44

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Mid Wide Mouth Plastic 1-liter Kettle


Cello Electric Kettle in plastic and black color in 1 liter
1200 watts / ALNV score: 39


Kenstar electric kettle in plastic with 1 year warranty
1300 watts / ALNV score: 37

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth Plastic 1-liter Kettle


Singer electric kettle in 1 liter in plastic with 1 year warranty
1200 watt / ALNV score:


Usha, electric kettle in white in 1 liter
1200 watts / ALNV score: 34

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Narrow Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.


Phillips, best electric kettle in India with 2 years warranty in SS range of 1.5 liter
1800 watts / ALNV score: 53


Bajaj, electric kettle in SS
1300 watts / ALNV score: 45


Wonderchef electric kettle in SS and range of 1.5 liters
1350 watts / ALNV score: 44

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.


Prestige , best electric kettle in India in Red and silver color combination
1500 watts / ALNV score 216


Prestige electric kettle of 1.5 liters in black and silver color combination
1500 watts / ALNV score: 216


Inalsa, best electric kettle in India in SS
1350 watts / ALNV score : 89


Lifelong electric kettle in 1.5 liters in SS container
1500 watts / ALNV score: 36

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Wide Mouth Plastic Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.


Sunflame plastic electric Kettle
1500 watts / ALNV score : 38

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Mid- wide Mouth Glass Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.

Cello electric kettle in glass
1200 watts /ALNV score: 39

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth Glass Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.


Prestige electric kettle in glass
1500 watt / ALNV score: 38

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Narrow Mouth Ceramic Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.


Vitek cermaic kettle in 1.5 liters.
1800 watts / ALNV score: 34

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth Ceramic Kettle in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 liters.

Georgia USA

Georgia USA ceramic electric kettle in 1.5 liters
1800 watts / ALNV score: 29

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Wide Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Orient in black plastic outer and SS Container
1800 watts / ALNV score: 60

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Wide Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Inalsa best electric kettle diamond shaped
1500 watts / ALNV score 79


Pigeon in pure silver looks
1500 watts / ALNV score: 143

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Mid Wide Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.

V Gaurd

V guard in copper black color combination
1900 watts / ALNV score 58

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Mid Wide Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Singer 1.8 liters in SS
1500 watts / ALNV score 51

Amazon Basic

Amazon Basic is the kettle from Amazon in silver black combination
2200 watts / ALNV score: 50

Maharaja Whiteline

Maharaja Whiteline in ss and silver black combination
1500 watts / ALNV score: 42

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 years warranty on Narrow Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Inalsa best electric kettle in India in a dome shaped unique design.
1350 watts / ALNV score: 54


Bajaj electric kettle in SS
1500 watts / ALNV score: 49

Russell Hobbs

Rusell Hobbs in silver frozen style
1500 watts / ALNV score: 44

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth SS Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Prestige best kettle  in unique red silver design
1500 watts / ALNV score 129

Haden Boston

Haden Boston in unique copper design
2000 watts / ALNV score: 50

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 year warranty on Wide Mouth Plastic Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Wonderchef plastic
2000 watts / ALNV score: 50

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 year warranty on Mid- Wide Mouth Plastic Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.

Morphy Richards

Morphy Richards plastic
2000 watts / ALNV score: 41

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 2 year warranty on Mid- Wide Mouth Glass Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Inalsa best electric kettle in India in glass and shining blue led ring
1300 watts / ALNV score: 57


Glen Kettle in glass
2000 watts / ALNV score: 45

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Mid- Wide Mouth Glass Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Pigeon Glass  kettle
1500 watts / ALNV score: 57

Best Electric Kettle Brands available for 1 year warranty on Narrow Mouth Glass Kettle in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 liters.


Kent Glass kettle
1500 watts / ALNV score: 78

Categorisation of electric kettle based on structural design.


These are conventional kettles These are basically cylindrical in shape with different mouth diameters.

Bell Dome Shaped

These kettles are dome-shaped. These kettles are inspired by the traditional designs of tea kettles. These have an analog dial for temperature and mostly comes with whistling sounds.

brewista kettle from Inalsa
Inalsa Brewista Kettle


These kettles are beautifully designed in the shape of a Pyramid.

Haden 1.7 l kettle

These unique designs of electric kettles can be used for gifting purpose too. Click here to find numerous home appliances gift ideas this festive season and avail a free gift too.

Security Features to look for in the electric kettles.

  1. Conceled Heating Element: Almost all the kettles these days have conceled element. In case you are using a hard water you will find scaling at the bottom surface of kettle. Since elements are conceled, it helps in increasing the life of these elements and easy to clean the scale.
  2. Automatic Shut- off: When the desired boiling tempreature of water is reached in the kettle, it automatically shuts down thus saving unecessary boiling and heat dissasipation. Over boiling will result in spilling and more steam conversion that will reduce the content of water also. This may also result in sking burn.
  3. Boil- Dry protection: In case you switch on the kettle without the water inside, the element will start to heat but Boil Dry function will sense no liquid inside and will shut off the element, thus saving the damage to kettle and unecessary deformation and decoloring inside.
  4. Over-Heat protection: Electric Kettles are meant for boiling water only. In case if you use it for some other purpose, it will give troubles to you. Suppose if you try to boil milk in it, which is not recommended, it will overheat the kettle before desired tempreature is reached. The thermostat assembly within will sense the tempreature and will abort the operations in between.

Daniel, in his blog- Let’s drink tea has beautifully explained how to use a tea kettle effectively. A must-read for proper utilization of electric kettles

Links for Detailed Description of Factors

If you need to go to the major aspects on the basis of which the kettles are categorized, you may click the link below or watch the video.

  1. Capacity
  2. Container Stuff
  3. Design based on – mouth or structure
  4. Warranty
  5. Brand

To conclude…

Now that you have chosen an electric kettle of your choice, how about having some fried snacks with a cup of tea? Let’s come and explore the world of air fryers to get the delicious fried, and most importantly healthy, snacks at How Does An Air Fryer Work? Decide The best buys

Image Credit: Polina on Pexels

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