In order to find answers to your queries related to Appliances; you have landed on to the right place. Through this platform, we shall provide you with all the timely inputs. You just need to keep the confidence and shower your everlasting love to us and moreover to the subject-“Appliances”

Amit Tangri:
After-sales service expert by profession, but lockdown forced me to become a blogger too. With my diverse experience of 23 years in cross-industry servicing and technical knowledge, this is just what I am bringing my field experience of appliances in writing. You will definitely benefit from my rich experiences of industry like Office Automation, Security Systems, IT and display products, consumer durables, home appliances, and Extended Warranties.

Reeta Tangri:
With over 16 years of experience in the Shriram Centre for Industrial relation and Human resources, Reeta Tangri is the co-author of this blog. With her ability to provide inputs on research, each blog is presented before you with absolute and authentic data.
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Happy Exploring!!